"If you truly love nature, you will find beauty everywhere
" Van Gogh

Sunday, September 24, 2017

Starting Over

It is time to start blogging again.  I deleted all my prior posts so I can make room for new photos. So, lets begin.

The 2017 summer garden was so so this time.  The beautiful orange tomato was the big winner.  It was our first time growing "Kellogg Breakfast".  It had the sweetest taste.   The bad thing was, the plant only produces 8 to 12 tomatoes, due to their enormous size.  If we do grow them again, more plants next time.
We also grew purple tomatillos.  I love their beautiful color.  It was great using them in my cooking.
The Pincushion flowers did well.

We also had our butterfly
sanctuary too.  It was amazing!
My little "elves blend" sunflowers.  They really did well.  I have a few more that I just added to the garden.  I hope they will do well.  I think we have some warm weeks ahead.

1 comment:

Down by the sea said...

Hi Bobbie Lynn,
It's so lovely to see a post from you again, I have missed all your lovely flowers and vegetables. How long has it been since you last wrote on your blog? I don't remember the butterflies. Sarah x