"If you truly love nature, you will find beauty everywhere
" Van Gogh

Tuesday, April 26, 2022

My Garden in Spring 2022

 Sharing my zone 10a spring garden with you.  We are having a nice spring time here in So. California. A few hot days but for the most part, very mild and a nice welcome.  The Sentimental tree rose loves these mild days.  She performs her best. 
The Yves Piaget rose in the background

I am so happy to have found a beautiful red nasturtium, "baby rose". I found the seeds from Select Seeds.  I also like that this variety is compact and perfect for my small raised beds and also great for containers.


I was happy to see t some nice carrots for my salad and roasting.  It can be a hit or miss in my garden.  The small round ones are Tonda di Parigi from Botanical Interest seed company

These two photos are also from Botanical Interests seed company, "Calliope Blend".  Next time to direct sow carrots in my garden will be mid-october - early november of 2022.  I have noted that in my calendar and a lot more too. 

Nero Toscana Kale

I love growing this beautiful green, Nero Toscana.  Seeds came from Botanical Interests

made a wonderful pesto too.  I really enjoy eating it blanched and sautéed. 

and of course the lovely lettuce.  One of the easiest to go grow in my raised beds and containers too.  I love all the beautiful colors too.


I really need to sow more leeks in my garden.  They have a long mature date but so worth the wait.  Roasting them along with carrots is a tasty side dish.  I have used them in frittatas and soups.

I hope you enjoyed my update of my garden.  There were a lot of vegetables that did not do well this time around, but I will keep trying.  I am always grateful for what every I can grow and I incorporate into my cooking.  

Thank you for visiting my blog.  I will be sharing some project using press flowers.  

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