"If you truly love nature, you will find beauty everywhere
" Van Gogh

Saturday, April 25, 2020

New In My Garden?

First time growing Sweet Corn in my garden.

Seeds packet: Botanical Interests
Buttergold (hybrid)

Sowed directly into my raised bed on April 14th
So far a few have spouted and they are about 2 inches tall.
I'm keeping my fingers crossed.  I have netting over them to keep the crows out.  They love to mess up my beds.  According to the seed packet, I can continue to sow them thru May and the next round in July - August too

Next but not new in my little garden, Larkspurs.

Seeds packets: Renee's Garden
Heirloom Imperial "French Alouette"
Heirloom "Parisian Pink"
Sown late summer 2019

 You can click on to the photos to see them larger too.

 You can never have enough of these beauties in your garden.

Some container herbs 

 Sage and Chives that wintered over in the same container.  I added top dressing of compost.

 A favorite herb of mine is tarragon.  This plant has been in this container for a couple of years.  Wintered over and I also tilled in some compost around the plant.  Alyssum and tarragon do well together.

This is my raised bed set up. I use either small gauge chicken wire or PVC pipes and add netting over to keep the birds out.  So far so good and once the plants mature, I will take them off.

 Here is a Sweet William for you too.  Thank you for stoping by for a visit.  Have a wonderful day.  Blessings to all.

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